Signs and symptoms of kidney disease are often not specific and can be similar to many other diseases. Below the renal disease early warning alert you saw yourself as soon as possible before his condition deteriorated, reported by The Star.
Recognize the symptoms of kidney failure
The kidneys helps the body we dispose of excess water, kidney failure can cause the body to hold more water than you should. This causes swelling around the eyes and swelling in the hands and feet.
The kidneys also should help set our blood pressure. When the kidneys are damaged, we also may experience high blood pressure.
After the ' filter ' blood, the kidneys mengekskresikan (removing) the excess water, waste products, and toxins through the urine. The kidneys are damaged or not may filter the urine that much. The kidneys are problematic could be marked by a decrease in the volume of urine. People with kidney disease may experience problems with urination (pain, or frequent urination).
The kidney is located on the back, just below the rib cage. Pain in the back of the Center also can indicate problems with the kidneys.
Assess the product of urine
It may be difficult to detect early changes in urine just by looking. But the changes are obvious, such as urine becomes frothy (due to the presence of many proteins), bloody (presence of blood in the urine), or urine is colored like coffee (presence of blood or protein pigmented), warning bells should be no problem with Your Kidney.
Let machines take care of the rest
Trace amounts of protein or blood often does not change the appearance of urine, even though they may show decreased kidney function and kidney disease early. However, the analysis of the urine through laboratory tests can find them.
When it is found, the doctor may recommend further testing involving the blood test abnormalities in blood measuring showed a decrease in kidney function. For example, increased levels of serum creatinine (creatinine is a waste product in the blood are excreted by the kidneys).
A glomerular filtration rate calculation of levels of serum creatinine (called eGFR or estimated GFR) will tell the doctor: a person's normal renal function or not. Then eGFR used to determine the stadium or the severity of chronic kidney disease.
the source of the : http://www.hariini.info/2011/03/16/tanda-awal-gagal-ginjal/
the source of the : http://www.hariini.info/2011/03/16/tanda-awal-gagal-ginjal/
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