As we know together to Update status on FB, we have to go to FB to write their own Status. The question is what if we can't always be Online and lazy to Facebook, while we want the Status we always update.
Answer: use the Auto Status Update service, the services this application will help the status we continue to update as we Schedule, because the application is already providing such services. Now Pal enough list on the free service called LaterBro.
Do I like the following.
Please open the http://statusfb.com/laterbro website and it looks like the image below:
then click the "Facebook", set the Time Zone time in your area and click Next
After that the contents of the status you want and select date/month/year as well as what your status is displayed on your Facebook wall
After setting all the settings and click Schedule and automatically your Facebook status will update according to the parameters you want.
Good Luck ....
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