Infection or inflammation of the gums commonly trigger damage tissue and bone supporting the teeth. In addition to making dental easy date, gum tissue damage triggered the spread of the bacteria involved. Edges clog blood vessels then at risk of stroke and heart disease.

Well, you regularly clean dental floss dental floss tooth alias? It turns out that the action was worthwhile to do. In fact, is believed to prevent the risk of stroke and heart disease. In addition to cleaning, dental floss helps get rid of bacteria that trigger the growth of plaque and calculus.
Various studies reveal the relationship between periodontal disease and heart disease. The results show the accumulation of microorganisms from gingivitis in arteries of patients with disorders of the heart. A pile of microorganisms and then trigger the blockage, damage the walls of the arteries.
Dailymail uncover findings Sharlin Ahmed from the Stroke Association, bacteria in the mouth of the contributing causes constriction of the blood vessel walls. It triggers a stroke.
"Bacteria in the mouth can also store fat in the arteries, which can cause blood clots and can lead to stroke," jeals Ahmed.
Hiroshima University research also revealed that has the number of teeth in less than 24 as adults, 60 percent more likely to suffer strokes.
"Losing a tooth may be associated with ischemic stroke and hemorrhage," says Yoshida Mitsuyoshi, who led the research.
The research involved 358 patients. Found stroke patients ages 50s and 60s has teeth that are on more than other disease patients in the same age group.
The results of the analysis of the four separate studies showed, that only has 24 teeth have increased risk of stroke of 57 per cent rather than 25 or more. The analysis takes into account various factors trigger stroke risk, such as smoking, obesity, and alcoholism.